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I recently watched a video made more than six months ago by JayDreamerZ.  It is still very relevant in todays environment. The topic he discussed is a growing debate. During the presentation he challenged viewers of a different opinion to give him ten reasons why he should see things from their perspective.  He said that so  far, no one he had spoken to could do that/or would.  I am taking up that challenge.  I am not making fun of Jay, nor any of his viewers.  I realize that this new push has only recently become an issue, and I  have seen some of the videos that are making this argument. They are very well produced, and very convincing.  I’m not a scientist, so my reasons for still believing in a globular world are from more experiential evidence.

Reason number 1) the sky that is viewed from the southern hemisphere is radically different from the sky that is seen from the northern hemisphere. The sailors of old who learned to navigate this globe had to find a different stable guide to follow in order to have some sense of which direction they were going in. The southern cross pointed at the most stable place in the sky in the south. The big dipper points to a stable place in the sky in the north, (or it did before our magnetic north moved…. )   These stable locations are caused by the relative stability of the spin, which creates the axis of the world we live on.  Incidentally, that same spinning earth interacts with the cosmic rays of the sun to produce the ozone that we all depend on to help screen us from those same cosmic rays.

Reason number 2) When I drive across the United States on I-70 from the east to the west, I see the tops of the Rockies (Pikes Peak) rise above the horizon long before I see the foothills; the tops of those mountains are a lot further away than the foothills, and the foothills are not small. No argument that my sight of them is clouded by a mist from the earth will work here, especially since Colorado is a fairly dry state.

Reason number 3) When it’s summer in the southern hemisphere it is winter in our northern hemisphere, and vice, versa.  This is explained very nicely by the tilted spinning axis of our world. The demonstration of the simplified pictorial view that the world should face the wrong way on the other side of the world six months later does not defeat this logic.  There are entirely too many influences on the world by other outside magnetic forces (other planets) which would cause the worlds spin to slow down and make it come out exactly the way it is…..

Reason number 4) The world has been broken up (per Velikovsky, who I also read in my youth) and this breaking is still going on. I encourage you to look at Dutchsince on youtube. He is Not a professional geologist; but gives Very Cool earthquake coverage everyday with predictions you can actually track with him. I think you will enjoy his efforts that produce the work you’ll see in his videos.

Reason number 5) If the earth was shaped the way that it is being presented by the pushers of the flat earth, it would take much longer to get around the world from the outer circumference than it does to get around the world from the inner circumference… That doesn’t happen. If you go around the world on any of the same paralells, if you travel by air, the 30th parallel in the north,  and if you travel the same way on the 30th parallel in the south, it takes the same amount of time to get around the world and back to the same location you started from. That would not happen in the view of the flat earth that is being presented to you.

Reason number 6) As the disturbance from the entrance of Nibiru/Nemesis continues to affect us with it’s magnificent magnetic presence, it pulls on our spin and causes the movements within the world; which are manifesting in a huge increase in both volcanic and earthquake activity because it is moving the middle of the worlds spin into a new place. Centrifugal forces push the world to bulge outward where the new equator is located. (Look at the new upward push in the Gulf of Mexico). This is ongoing…. and it may continue to move, and change where it will end up.  In the meantime, the very wealthiest among us have been preparing for this day for a long time. They have known this was going to happen for the last fifty years so they prepared very luxurious underground bunkers for themselves to retreat into, leaving the rest of us in the dark. I’ll leave it up to you to do the research, as it is apparent you are very good at doing that. Dig deep.

Reason number 7)  Those who site the efforts of people to find the curve from the surface with lasers… sigh …. the round earth isn’t perfectly round… obviously.. If you point a laser up I-70 across Kansas, it will appear that you can do that seemingly forever. but Kansas rises in elevation from one side to the other. It is tilted up all the way toward the Rocky Mountain Massif. The earth has many different elevations from the sea level, which sea level itself isn’t stable, because of tides.

Reason number 8) The tidal forces that pulled from the moon’s pull…. whether you call it gravity or resonance, or magnetism, (may all have the same effect… essentially). This is apparent with the tides, and the water levels are not perfectly flat anywhere.. and at different times of day you will get different results. If the water were stable, it would curve downward in it’s sandy, rocky earthly vessels as it does in a glass of water.

Reason number 9) Although there is definitely a whole set of flat projections of the magnetically spinning galaxies, the parts within the spin are all round (ish), so are we, that is this earth is essentially rounded, though the water on the one side has got to be heavier;  if you have ever driven a truck with liquid in it (the big rigs) you would notice how the weight of the water sloshing around causes the motion of your truck to lurch from side to side…

Reason number 10) You are right about the “news” people who make fun of others with sneering condescension. That is the whole point of the money suddenly backing this push. The very places that you went to look this stuff up. Where did that come from? It didn’t exist before the last year. Where did the money come from that so very professionally produced those videos? They were put out there to produce this very division and intellectual schism. This is a professional set-up. And it’s working. Don’t let them get away with this. Is there new real science out there? Yes. Are there new answers to old questions? yes. Are we getting information out to people that should have been out to them Ages ago? yes. Don’t let the professional con-artists derail this effort by the insertion of this new piece of professionally presented twisted truth, and then laugh at us for falling for it. Don’t let their mis-use of real science once again push us off course.

Ellen M Story , Ellen M. Lattz at emariaenterprises, llc. May 2018.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Ellen M Story, Ellen M. Lattz at emariaenterprises, llc with appropriate, and specific direction to the original content.


If you are a heroine dealer, or a chemically derived opioid dealer, this is your wake up call. Get out of the opioid business. If you deal any form of opioid, you deal death, and it deserves to be dealt back to you.

Earlier this weekend I had the horrible, but apparently all too common experience of finding someone overdosing in a convenience store bathroom.  She was found sitting on the floor with her head laying up against the door of  the closet inside the only restroom in the store.  She was already cyanotic, turning blue around the mouth, and having great difficulty breathing.  The needle was broken off in her arm.

If someone else who came into the store had not had to go to the bathroom, we would not have found her in time.  Since the key was missing, we thought that someone may have left the key inside the restroom, since there had been no response to the knock on the door.  We used the other store key to get it open.  That’s when we found her, with her face mashed against the utility room door in all her sad glory. My shout for my other store associate drew the attention of the other customers.

Fortunately for this young woman, one of the of the other customers in the store at the time was an LPN who had been issued Narcan in case she ran across anyone in need.  Indeed, this tragic behavior is becoming so commonplace that it is even likely that there will be a need. The user of the drug was given two doses of Narcan before the ambulance  was able to get there. She was conscious when the emergency personnel came into the store and didn’t choose to go to the hospital. The emergency personnel did pull the broken needle out of her arm for her though.

Unfortunately for her, she is still addicted and is likely to do this again.  There were six other overdoses in the nearby apartments just the same morning.  That’s seven that we know of in a two block area.  911 was called for them as well. Narcan was administered and all survived, this time.

The antidote is administered freely, and there are no consequences at all for anyone involved. We pity the poor addicted users of these horrendous drugs and turn them all back loose, knowing full well that they will continue to abuse the drugs until they die of them.   In other words, we pity them to death. This response MUST end.   It is an utterly unworkable counter to a problem that is costing our society a whole generation of mostly young adults, and young parents.

A couple of generations ago, the foolish actions of youth might give one a solid scare, but only rarely took their lives. Now, the loss of life is all too frequent, and so too, the orphaning of their children. The cost of caring for these, our future generation, alone is overwhelming to our overburdened societal structure.  This cost is the least reprehensible and most tragic result of what has to be a deliberate flooding of the market with such a deadly addicting disease. If this were smallpox, we would mandate a cure for it immediately.  We are after all required to be vaccinated for far less deadly diseases than this one; Measles rarely kills it’s victims,  chicken pox almost never kills anyone, and I’ve never heard of anyone dying of chlamydia, but there’s a vaccine for it.

Since these much less deadly conditions are required by our government to be treated and nullified so as not to be a problem anymore; you would think that something as easily spread and ghastly addicting as opioids would get a far more aggressive approach to ridding our society of it.  The number of absent labor hours, the loss of productive spending on items with real value, the stolen property, the payouts for the police and emergency forces to respond to related issues, the costs of trials, and prison housing, and the children who grow up without their parents, or with them while having to live with the effects of the drug on them; these costs are egregious, and should be all the incentive we need, as a society, to understand that allowing the continuation of this evil among us is intolerable.

There should be every effort to take these suffering souls in to therapy and detoxification to rid them of any desire to take theses drugs again.  While in therapy, see to it that they are guided through any type of education necessary to assure that they have the skills necessary for real survival without the drugs in their lives.

As for those who conspire to produce and promote a drug almost purely for profit, without any thought of the effects it will have on the end user, or their families, or the society in which they operate? Yes, I’m talking about the pharmaceutical companies, and their shareholders as well; you all have a part in creating and maintaining this national nightmare. You have the costs of all this human destruction on your hands.

NIDA overdosedeaths1

Once upon a time in the seventies, the elderly were using a simple solution for pain and arthritis called DMSO.  It worked well.  You could smell it on people. It smelled like a mixture of garlic and corn.   Mostly corn. Sometimes the elderly would also use almond oil when getting massages; then they would smell like almond and garlic and corn, but they felt good all over. It wasn’t expensive either, and it wasn’t necessarily dangerous, unless it was misused, but a set of instructions on the proper use of it could be issued so people wouldn’t hurt themselves or others.  Mix two parts pure DMSO with one part distilled water, spray or pat onto the affected area, and let dry.  Don’t mix it with any other ingredients.

DMSO is a naturally occurring substance found in the oceans, which is why when you go swimming in unpolluted ocean waters, you feel so good. It sinks straight through the skin.  It carries the minerals from the ocean waters into your system with it. DMSO is also a byproduct of the paper-making process, which is why it’s so easily available and inexpensive to purchase. If it could have been patented and it’s use restricted by the pharmaceutical companies, we would all be using it for relief of pain at highly exorbitant prices.

Since it couldn’t be patented, and it was getting popular for pain treatment, the pharmaceutical companies decided it had to be removed from the market.  The nineteen-seventies was the time that the pharmaceutical companies were beginning to manufacture an opioid derivative called Oxycontin, they wanted that arthritis market for themselves, and any other kind of pain market they could expand into.  So a concerted campaign was begun to remove DMSO from human usage. Of course they packaged their argument in neater language, and made it sound like it wasn’t really a conspiracy to deprive the public of a cheap, effective alternative treatment for pain, and inflammation.

It was almost removed from any kind of usage, but the horse industry, on which DMSO was used very effectively for the swollen ligaments of race horses, objected, and veterinarians objected because it worked so well for animals with arthritis. The use of DMSO was limited for use on damaged animal ligaments, and for animals in pain from arthritis. It can now be found in the horse liniment aisle of your local farm store.  Don’t tell the farm store people that you want to use it on yourself, that would get it pulled from their shelves and made unavailable for personally administered animal husbandry.  Tell them you want to try it for your dog, or your neighbors dog who suffers from arthritis.  Recently, there are new methods of using DMSO, such as topically applied gels, etc.  that are available over the internet. I am not familiar with them, and do not know what they are mixed with. Anything DMSO is mixed with will go through your skin into your circulatory system.  Do some research before you apply any product.

It should be understood that the pharmaceutical industry isn’t all by itself in this campaign to remove competition.  The pharmaceutical companies are derivatives of the big oil companies. You see, synthetic drugs are often created from oil derivatives, so it behooves the oil companies to spend money influencing decisions that affect their down-line profit sectors.

While we are on the subject of related financially influenced support;  our congressmen and women who make the laws are not subject to the same insider trading rules that the rest of us are subject to. They decide what laws will be applied or are going to be applied, and know ahead of time how those laws will affect the stock price of any given industry.  They often invest in those stocks that the laws they are about to pass affect.  It does help explain how some of our congressmen and women got so rich while in office.   Look at their voting records.  Many (but not all) of our elected officials are also guilty co-conspirators in this suppression of simple, effective remedies for pain, and other natural effective treatments.  In that, they are also complicit in the deaths of all these individuals over dosing on opioids, legally prescribed or not.

As an additional means of re-enforcing their profit margins, our lawmakers instituted the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), which determines which drugs or applications for treating health are allowed support, and which will be suppressed.  The DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency), is the strong arm enforcement controlling the sale of illicit drugs, and going after anyone who dares to defy the officially sanctioned line of available narcotics. Woe to anyone who gets in the way of the Holy God of Profits. We are all required to bow down before the edicts of  the pharmaceutical industry’s desires.

The Physician’s industry instituted the AMA (American Medical Association) which purports to License physicians, without whose approval no doctor is allowed to practice (they can be sued for practicing medicine without a license, even though they are very well trained).  The nutritional avenue of health has been downplayed and subverted in favor of encouraging people to take a  medically prescribed and controlled treatment for every ailment that comes about from malnutrition.  There are a whole host of symptoms that can be expensively countered, but never cured, by the chemically derived drugs of the pharmaceutical industry.

To make matters worse,  the big agricultural enterprises,  backed by the USDA, who are now also subsidiaries of some of the largest oil companies are contributing to this nutritional disaster by encouraging the use of Glyphosates as pest control, and discouraging traditional farm practices. The biggest agricultural research firms are further exacerbating the destruction of our bodies natural  ability to heal itself by adding, splicing in other material, and subtracting bits and pieces of the plant DNA in ways that appear to be beneficial, because we get so much more product, but which, in reality have many negative effects on those who eat the genetically modified outcome.  There are better, natural ways to increase plant yield.

So what does all of that have to do with illegal opioid narcotics?  Just look at the sheer volume of it.  It’s being manufactured somewhere, and distributed all over our streets. Opioid derivatives were overprescribed for any complaint of pain.  As opioids do, they caused addictions in the people it was prescribed to, but as most pharmaceuticals are, it was also expensive.  Suddenly, after a couple of decades of less popularity (think Janice Joplins death from a heroin overdose) there is a whole lot of heroin and other opioid derivatives flooding the streets.  This product didn’t get out there all by itself.  It was brought here. It’s both dangerous and expensive to get that much product onto the streets.  It’s pretty obvious when you think about it. This community death dealer has big money and heavy hitting power backers behind it.

This is where the Narcan comes in, which is also a pharmaceutical product.  After all the damage is done now the sympathy for the poor addicted souls naturally gets the people to accept the cost of this government provided band-aid solution.  It doesn’t cure anything, but it does increase and prolong the profits back to the pharmaceutical companies.

Does my objection to this mean that I don’t want the Narcan to be used to save these lives? No. It means that the Narcan should be the first step, not the only step, to first saving and then turning people’s lives around. Without the removal of the addiction, administering the anti-dote won’t do much good.  The pharmaceutical companies need to finance the whole solution.  As for the dealers, the street traffickers, the mules, and indeed the actual manufacturers of this deadly epidemic, I offer the following thoughts on what could be done to correct this course:

  1. The leaders who have contributed to this profit making  snake oil approach to medicine should be tried for crimes against humanity. All their assets and income should be seized and used to help correct the problem which their unethical, with total disregard for the actual human costs profit plotting created.
  2. The pharmaceutical companies should all be nationalized and turned into non-profit organizations dedicated not only to saving lives, but to using all the income from the sale of what few really good products they have for: correcting their past mistakes, financing the raising of all these orphans, supplementing any income necessary to get the surviving victims off of opioid addiction, and provide financial support for training in real nutrition, gardening, animal husbandry, and other seriously life sustaining activities.
  3. The up-line oil companies should be required to send a letter of apology to each and every surviving family member affected by the lack of oversight contributing to the unethical behavior of their down-line companies.
  4. Congressmen and women who profited from pharmaceutical companies who make opioid products stocks, making laws which allowed pharmaceutical companies not only a free hand in pursuit of profits, but a nefarious hand as well,  should not only step down, but also be required to apologize to their constituents in a public forum.  Since the companies are nationalized, their stocks won’t be worth anything anymore; they lose their investment.
  5. The FDA needs to be shut down.
  6. If the DEA can’t do a better job of preventing these deadly drugs from getting to the streets, they should be disbanded too.
  7. Legalize Marijuana so the sale of it is not done through the same dealers. Relatively harmless products should not be prosecuted the same way as deadly ones.  As is plainly evident, heroine, and opioid derivatives are deadly in addiction.
  8. Catch the dealers, and traffickers of opioids/heroine/fentanyl, etc. and after a speedy but fair trial, if found guilty, hang them. Death to dealers! should become a new national motto.  If the dealers know that they will not get away with this crime, perhaps they will feel more inclined to give up the names of those who set them up in the business, so they aren’t the only one to pay for this perfidy with their lives. Anyone found guilty of facilitating the sale of these deadly addictive drugs on the streets, or of over prescribing them for use outside of a hospital should be up for consideration in the hangings.


Nationally, we are uncomfortable with hanging, as we should be. This is a form of execution with overlapping resonances in many other areas. I suggest this precisely because it has so much resonance.  I suggest this in the hope that the idea of being hung will echo in the hearts of anyone contemplating selling this dreadful drug.  The seller knows full well that the drug is addicting from the beginning, that the use of it will destroy not only the life of the user, but the lives of those around the user as well; furthermore, the seller knows that the end result is almost always a life ending permanent overdose, yet they are still willing to pull someone into this death spiral.

Are there some who have managed to escape the use of these drugs?  Yes, and bravo to them, and to those who help them to escape it.  Perhaps the idea of getting hung if they sell to others in order to obtain more for themselves will encourage more people to find the strength and courage to get off heroin.  This national opioid addiction has to stop before it becomes our national end.


Addiciton recovery


Ellen M Story , Ellen M. Lattz at emariaenterprises, llc. May 2018.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Ellen M Story, Ellen M. Lattz at emariaenterprises, llc with appropriate, and specific direction to the original content.

Hello again. It’s been a little while and a lot of things have happened since I was on here last.  I finished my course work at the University of Louisville (I still have to finish paying for it, but that is coming soon).  I had a show in the Hite Art Galleries, and took it back down. Graduation will come and go, and now I’m looking for additional work, both to live on, and to finish paying for school, and to start paying for the student loans I took out while in school. While I was searching for types of work I also discovered that there is a whole new push for people to believe that the earth is flat.  Where did this come from? Definitely not from my science classes.

I cannot tell you how taken aback this makes me…..  Well, if you aren’t one of the people already pushing this new theory, it probably makes you feel that way too. So, I’ve looked at a whole lot of videos, and I’ve examined what I know from my own experience, and I’ve looked at several different types of science expansions on the knowledge I already had.

We’ve already seen there is plenty of information out there that isn’t a true reflection of reality.  Some of it is very well produced.  It looks and sounds legitimate.  We’ve all been subjected to news in the past that was not a true reflection of what actually happened…. so it’s fairly obvious that someone, maybe a lot of someone’s are making stuff up; lying very professionally, making things appear to be true through backing by verified authorities and verified science.  So now the job is to sift out what is real from what isn’t real.

What makes this so very difficult, is that there is some truth in all of it.  Don’t the best lies have to have a foundation of truth to be believed?  It only takes a twist and an extension along the lines of the twist to move us along to something that is patently false, but because of the foundation of truth, the association with something we know to be real and have experienced as valid, we swallow the rest of the narrative. We end up embracing a fairy tale.  We end up accepting the lies that we are told, and giving authority to someone who doesn’t deserve out trust, or our respect, because he or she is lying to us. The originator of the lie Knows where the truth is and where the lie begins.

To make this worse, once a few people that we have experienced as being valid and truthful, have been convinced of the lie, the weight of their belief moves us further in the direction of believing it too, even if we had some doubts. Even if our experience doesn’t jive with what we are being told. We end up believing what we are told to believe, and not what we see and feel to be right.

So to let you know, I do NOT believe that the earth is flat.  I do believe that there is a very professional set of characters who have created a whole lot of valid looking scenarios that they claim we should believe makes their claims real.  I believe we are being set up.

All the advances of the past five hundred years have been because we finally got off the flat earth belief and got Back to the knowledge of a Round earth.  Our ability to communicate over distances is because we believed in a round earth, and were no longer afraid we would fall off of it when we sailed away from the sight of our shores. Our ability to navigate by the stars is because we have a round earth, and their paths are then more fixed and predictable. Especially the pole star.  That star which is positioned where the apex of our tilted axis points, and therefor does not appear to dance around the globe with our movement, but sits still, because the spin around that point isn’t wide enough to cause it to appear to shift.

That point and magnetism (which is also fed and caused by the spinning of our globe and the interaction of that spin with the rays of the sun, which together create a magnetic dynamo effect, and incidentally produce ozone) allowed sailors to navigate by a compass which pointed to a magnetic north.  When sailors move their ships past the equator, the skies they are looking at  become different, and the pole stars they steer by are also different. their compass them points in the other direction. A sailor of old had to know two different sets of stars to successfully navigate the whole world. If your world were flat, there wouldn’t be a southern cross that stayed at a fixed location to steer by in the southern hemisphere.

Don’t let the wealthy con-artists of the world fool you into believing in their fairy tale. They are only spending their money on this effort because they plan on using this new falsehood to enslave you further, and secure power for themselves.


Ellen M Story , Ellen M. Lattz at emariaenterprises, llc. May 2018.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Ellen M Story, Ellen M. Lattz at emariaenterprises, llc with appropriate, and specific direction to the original content.


craps (Photo credit: Ben McLeod)

OK.  So I’m feeling guilty for not writing sooner than this.  It’s not that I haven’t had any opinions on anything, nor that I don’t wish to express it, but I just haven’t had a lot to say on anything, so I haven’t.  Other people have been doing a fine job of saying all kinds of things, so I don’t think you’ve had any lack of reading material.

I know that I’m not alone in wishing that the elections were already over.  It’s been a Really long electoral season, and the rhetoric has been thick from all sides.  There’s an awful lot of research and pondering to do about it all.  For many, this season is one of a toss of the coin.  It may seem like there is no clear choice. To some, both candidates may appear to have blatant weaknesses.  So the question then becomes what do you want to take your chances on?

Casting your vote in an election may be akin to tossing the dice at a Craps table.  You’re putting all the juice behind your selection that you can get, hoping fervently that the outcome will be in your favor.  Come on….. baby needs a new pair of shoes!

Well, that last saying may be truer for many than it ever has been before if the rate of increase in people on food stamps is any indication.  In this gambling climate, the question becomes do you want to leave your money riding on the current course, and hope that the odds will change and fall in your favor this time?

Of course, when we gamble, we usually have a set limit that we won’t go beyond.   What limit did we set for ourselves, for our economy, for our nation?  Have we exceeded that limit?  Would casting your vote for the same course of action be doubling down on a long lost cause?  Can we afford to double down?  What would happen to us if the gamble Fails?

Maybe it’s time to walk away from this crap game and find something that’s more along the lines of applying our talents to earning our money the old fashioned way.  It may be slower, but the risks are fewer, and we have more individual control over the out come.



© Ellen M Story and emariaenterprises, llc 2012.

Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Ellen M Story and emariaenterprises with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.